From an early age, Ms. Monét was destined to become a star, never afraid of any stage, she knew she would be a performer and professional Singer. With natural ability, strong will and determination, Ms. Monét continues to make a name for herself in the music industry as she has been sought out to write, produce, arrange, vocal-train, and perform some of the world’s greatest hits and work alongside some of the world's greatest artists. As an artist, Ms. Monét's constant push forward continues to drive her development and success. It's no wonder she's been called, "The Monificent"
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The high charting single "Groove With You" featuring Will Downing
available NOW!
You've heard about her and probably wondered "Who is Ms. Monét?"...Spoken in her own words, MsMo answers this question and more in this personally narrated exposé about her journey and her future.